八名获胜者将向高管代表进行推销, 与行业领导者建立联系, 获得资本投资和实际规模的试点. 前三名将首次获得现金奖励.



The construction world's largest 创新 contest searches for the best new solutions to make building more sustainable, 高效创新.


The eight winners of the Seventh Annual 建设 启动 Competition will compete for gold, 在今年的投球日上获得银牌和铜牌, 11月7日,在特林布尔 用户会议 在拉斯维加斯.

建设 启动 Competition is the largest and longest-standing startup competition in the construction industry globally, searching for ‘Builders of the Future’ who are creating solutions to make building more sustainable, 高效创新. Dysruptek, 哈斯克尔的创新和风险投资部门, 是与Cemex Ventures一起的八个赞助商之一, 黑色的 & Veatch, Ferrovial, Hilti, VINCI Group’s Leonard, NOVA by Saint-Gobain, Trimble, and Zacua Ventures.

八名获胜者有机会向高管代表进行推销, 与行业领导者建立联系, 获得资本投资和实际规模的试点. 前三名将首次获得现金奖励. Dysruptek总经理卡特勒Knupp是评委之一.

“我们与建设 启动 Competition合作已经三年多了, 我们对申请者的增长和多样性感到兴奋,克努普说. “越来越多的初创公司进入了这个领域. 也, it’s great to see the 创新 coming out of regions we haven't necessarily seen much activity in prior years, examples of this include seeing an uptick in submissions from India and Africa as well as other less-developed markets.”

The eight startups selected correspond to one of the competition’s four market-driven verticals. 在“绿色建筑”垂直领域,获奖者是 Firstplanit 和Vizcab. 前线、FYLD 和 RodRadar 代表“提高生产力”垂直领域. construcex 在“建筑供应链”标题下获胜, 文明机器人公司 和 sensmore 在“建筑的未来”垂直竞赛中获胜.


  • 文明的机器人 (美国) builds autonomous layout systems with an emphasis on solar farm and road projects that require thousands of coordinates a day with a press of a button
  • Construex (厄瓜多尔) 将拉丁美洲的建筑供应商数字化, offering software tools to suppliers (mostly SMBs) to help them manage their digital presence, 寻找和管理客户, 用数据发展他们的业务
  • Firstplanit (英国) 提供设计师, 开发人员, 以及对环境有深刻见解的制造商, 社会, 健康, 并通过对建筑材料和产品的整体经济效益, 透明的, 数据驱动的, 用户友好的数字平台
  • 前线 (新加坡) is a construction planning simulation and optimization platform that developed proprietary optimization algorithms that enable operators and contractors to quickly identify best-in-class construction plans with optimal activity sequencing and resource allocation
  • FYLD (英国) is an AI-driven work execution platform bringing real-time remote site visibility to construction operations. Workers use the FYLD platform to record work and safety-related activities using unstructured data (video, audio, 文本), FYLD的神经语言编程(NLP), 计算机视觉和预测推理实时分析馈送给远程管理人员
  • RodRadar (以色列) 提供了前所未有的技术, 实时挖掘雷达®(LDR), which automatically detects underground utility infrastructure in real-time during excavation without the need for expert analysis, 提高建筑安全和生产效率
  • sensmore (德国) 人工智能是自动化吗.0 software company that leverages novel radar technology and artificial intelligence to create a plug-and-play, vehicle-agnostic software for heavy machinery that improves on vision-based systems in mining, 采石场及类似行业
  • Vizcab (法国) 是领先的360°建筑碳平台, 关注材料的隐含碳影响和生命周期评估(LCA), offering comprehensive solutions from carbon budgeting to regulatory accounting and reporting

Dysruptek is already involved with three competitors – 文明的机器人, Construex and Rod Radar. Dysruptek成为了RodRadar的早期投资者, and 澳门足彩app became the first contractor in the 美国 to take delivery of the startup’s debut product, 实时挖掘雷达, 集成LDR雷达成像技术的挖掘机铲斗.

罗德雷达是八个决赛选手中唯一一个将以虚拟方式呈现的. 因为10月7日哈马斯袭击了以色列, 该公司的许多成员都被征召去服现役.

“We're very proud of the Rod Radar team and their perseverance to continue to drive the business forward, 即使他们面临着巨大的挑战,克努普说.

Through Dysruptek, 澳门足彩app leads the construction industry in technological development and adoption. 联系Dysruptek团队 讨论你的想法“为了行业的改善”.”

澳门足彩app每年在架构方面的投入超过20亿美元, 工程, 建设 (AEC) and 咨询 solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, 单一来源的设计建造和EPC公司拥有超过2,300高度专业化, 内部设计, construction and administrative professionals across industrial and commercial markets. 在全球拥有20多个办公地点, 澳门足彩app是全球和新兴客户值得信赖的合作伙伴.

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